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D8E2: Goldfish Game: Animate Sand
Used by the routine at GoldfishGame.
Set the attributes.
GoldfishGame_AnimateSand D8E2 LD A,$11 Set PAPER: BLUE (01).
D8E4 RST $10
D8E5 LD A,$01
D8E7 RST $10
D8E8 LD HL,$DB22 Write DB22 (Buffer_SandAnimation) to *CHARS.
D8EB LD ($5C36),HL
D8EE LD A,$10 Set INK: YELLOW (06).
D8F0 RST $10
D8F1 LD A,$06
D8F3 RST $10
Set the co-ordinates of where we're going to PRINT AT.
D8F4 LD B,$04 Set up the screen buffer location 21/04 using CL_SET.
D8F6 LD C,$21
Print the current sand UDGs to the screen buffer.
D8FB LD A,$20 A=20 (base sprite ID).
PrintSand_Loop D8FD PUSH AF Stash the current sand sprite ID on the stack.
D8FE CALL GoldfishGame_PrintColourUDG Call GoldfishGame_PrintColourUDG.
D901 POP AF Restore the current sand sprite ID from the stack.
D902 INC A Move onto the next sand sprite ID.
D903 CP $40 Keep looping back to PrintSand_Loop until the sand sprite ID is equal to 40.
D905 JR NZ,PrintSand_Loop
Now move all the UDGs one pixel to the right. The next time this routine is called, the sand will appear to have moved when it's printed to the screen.
D907 LD DE,$DC22 DE=Buffer_SandAnimation.
D90A LD B,$08 B=08 (line counter; each sand UDG is 08 bytes).
AnimateSandLine_Loop D90C PUSH BC Stash the line counter and the sand UDG buffer pointer on the stack.
D90E LD HL,$00F8 HL=DE+00F8.
D912 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
D913 RRA Rotate A right one position.
D914 POP HL Restore the sand buffer pointer from the stack.
D915 PUSH HL But keep a copy of it (the sand buffer position) on the stack still.
D916 LD DE,$0008 DE=0008.
D919 LD B,$20 B=20 (UDG counter; the total number of sand UDGs in the row).
D91B PUSH AF Stash AF on the stack.
AnimateSandUDG_Loop D91C POP AF Restore AF from the stack.
D91D RR (HL) Rotate *HL right.
D91F PUSH AF Stash AF on the stack.
D921 DJNZ AnimateSandUDG_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to AnimateSandUDG_Loop until counter is zero.
D923 POP AF Restore AF and DE from the stack.
D925 INC DE Increment DE by one.
D926 POP BC Restore the line counter from the stack.
D927 DJNZ AnimateSandLine_Loop Decrease the line counter by one and loop back to AnimateSandLine_Loop until all lines have been rotated.
D929 RET Return.
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