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33083: Routine at 813B
Used by the routines at Demo_Start and GameLoop.
33083 CALL DrawRoom Call DrawRoom.
33086 LD BC,20 BC=0020.
33089 PUSH BC Stash BC on the stack.
33090 CALL 61090 Call 61090.
33093 CALL 62840 Call 62840.
33096 CALL Draw_Characters_CurrentRoom Call Draw_Characters_CurrentRoom.
33099 CALL ShadowBufferToScreen Call ShadowBufferToScreen.
33102 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
33103 DEC BC Decrease BC by one.
33104 LD A,B Jump to 33089 until BC is zero.
33105 OR C
33106 JR NZ,33089
33108 RET Return.
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