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33109: Start Demo Mode
Used by the routine at GameMenu.
Demo_Start 33109 CALL Game_Initialisation Call Game_Initialisation.
33112 CALL Clear_Screen Call Clear_Screen.
33115 CALL PrintBanner Call PrintBanner.
33118 CALL 33083 Call 33083.
33121 LD (33082),A Write A to 33082.
Demo_Start_0 33124 LD A,(33082) A=*33082.
33127 CP (IY+15) If IY+15 is zero, jump to Demo_Start_1.
33130 JR Z,Demo_Start_1
33132 LD A,(IY+15) Write IY+15 to 33082.
33135 LD (33082),A
33138 CALL DrawRoom Call DrawRoom.
Demo_Start_1 33141 CALL 33198 Call 33198.
33144 XOR A A=0.
33145 IN A,(254)
33147 OR %11100000 Set bits 5-7.
33149 CP 255 Jump to GameMenu if not 255.
33151 JP NZ,GameMenu
33154 JR Demo_Start_0 Jump to Demo_Start_0.
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