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46315: Handler: Game Menu Input
Used by the routines at ThemeMusic and Play_ThemeMusic.
BC Counter for a slight pause
Handler_GameMenuInput 46315 PUSH AF Stash AF, BC and DE on the stack.
46316 PUSH BC
46317 PUSH DE
Handler_GameMenuInput_Pause 46318 DEC BC Decrease BC by one.
46319 LD A,B Jump to Handler_GameMenuInput_Pause until BC is 0000.
46320 OR C
46321 JR NZ,Handler_GameMenuInput_Pause
Collect the user input.
46323 LD A,247 Read from the keyboard;
Port Number Bit
0 1 2 3 4
247 1 2 3 4 5
46325 IN A,(254)
Pad out the bits we're not interested in (only keys 1, 2, 3 and 4).
46327 OR %11110000 Set bits 4-7.
46329 LD E,A Store the result in E.
46330 LD A,(46313) A=*TempStore_GameOptions.
46333 AND E Merge in the bits from E.
46334 LD (46313),A Write A to *TempStore_GameOptions.
46337 POP DE Restore DE, BC and AF from the stack.
46338 POP BC
46339 POP AF
46340 RET Return.
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