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33696: Display Locate Help Message
DisplayLocHlpMsg 33696 LD A,(46826)
33699 AND A
33700 JP NZ,30132
33703 PUSH HL Store HL and IX on the stack for later.
33704 PUSH IX
Default message response should there be no match for the current location.
33706 LD HL,46183 HL="you're doing fine[0x15]"
Use the current location ID to look-up if there is a specific help message.
33709 LD A,(49451) Using the current location number, see if there is a help message available for display. This is achieved by passing LocHlpMsg to the Index ID Table routine.
33712 LD IX,33741
33716 CALL IndexIdTable
33719 JR Z,DisplayLocHlpMsg_Print If there is no message, jump directly to DisplayLocHlpMsg_Print to display the default message.
Point to the specific help for the current location.
33721 LD L,(IX+1) HL=The address of the help message
33724 LD H,(IX+2)
Print the message.
DisplayLocHlpMsg_Print 33727 LD A,1 Write $01 to WaitCoutdown.
33729 LD (46849),A
33732 CALL PrintMsg Call PrintMsg.
33735 POP IX Restore IX and HL from the stack.
33737 POP HL
33738 JP 33459 Jump to 33459.
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