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37134: Routine at 910E
Used by the routines at ActionBurn, ActionCapture and ActionClimbOut.
37134 CALL DisplayExits_15
37137 JP NZ,DisplayExits_3
37140 CALL 40260
This entry point is used by the routines at Action_Talkto and ActionBurn.
37143 SET 5,(IX+7)
37147 LD A,(IX+0)
37150 DEC A
37151 RET NZ
37152 LD A,(46824)
37155 CALL ObjectCount
37158 AND A
37159 RET Z
37160 LD A,(46824)
37163 CALL 41040
37166 RET C
37167 LD B,(IX+16)
37170 LD A,(46824)
37173 JP 40879 Jump to 40879.
This entry point is used by the routine at ActionClimbOut.
37176 LD IX,(46856)
37180 CALL ActionClimbOut_4
37183 JP Z,DisplayExits_3
37186 CALL 40260
This entry point is used by the routine at Action_Talkto.
37189 RES 5,(IX+7)
37193 RET Return.
This entry point is used by the routines at Action_Shoot and Action_Attack.
37194 LD IX,(46856)
37198 LD A,(46826)
37201 AND A
37202 JR NZ,37214
37204 BIT 4,(IX+4)
37208 JR Z,37214
37210 RES 4,(IX+4)
37214 LD A,(IX+4)
37217 AND 112
37219 LD IX,(46860)
37223 AND (IX+4)
37226 RET Z
37227 POP HL
37228 XOR A
37229 LD (46843),A
37232 RET Return.
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