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40260: Routine at 9D44
40260 LD A,(46842) If 46842 is $01 then return.
40263 CP 1
40265 RET Z
40266 INC A Increase TODO by one and write it to 46843.
40267 LD (46843),A
40270 POP BC
40271 RET Return.
This entry point is used by the routines at Action_Attack and Action_Examine.
40272 LD A,(46824) A=CurrentObject.
This entry point is used by the routines at 38579 and ActionClimbOut.
40275 PUSH IY Stash IY, IX and HL on the stack.
40277 PUSH IX
40279 PUSH HL
40280 CALL LocateObject Call LocateObject.
40283 LD B,(IX+1) B=Mother object.
40286 LD IX,49248 Set IX to $C060 which is 3 bytes less than the start of the object table due to the following line adding $0003 and moving us on to the first record.
40290 CALL Step3ByteTable_Next Call Step3ByteTable_Next.
40293 JR Z,40337 Jump to 40337 if TODO.
40295 CP (IY+1) Compare TODO, jump back to 40290 if so.
40298 JR NZ,40290
40300 BIT 1,(IY+7)
40304 JR Z,40331
40306 PUSH AF
40307 LD (IY+16),0
40311 LD (IY+1),255
40315 RES 7,(IY+7)
40319 CALL 40647 Call 40647.
40322 LD HL,45379 HL="evaporate(s|d|ing|es)[0x15]".
40325 CALL PrintMsg Call PrintMsg.
40328 POP AF
40329 JR 40290 Jump to 40290.
40331 LD (IY+1),B
40334 JP 40290 Jump to 40290.
40337 POP HL Restore HL, IX and IY from the stack.
40338 POP IX
40340 POP IY
40342 RET Return.
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