Prev: 41252 Up: Map Next: 41544
41272: Display Exits
Used by the routine at YouSeeEntry.
DisplayExits 41272 PUSH IX Stash IX, IY, DE and BC on the stack.
41274 PUSH IY
41276 PUSH DE
41277 PUSH BC
41278 CALL 41134 Call 41134.
41281 CALL 41252 Call 41252.
41284 JR Z,DisplayExits_1 Jump to DisplayExits_1 if there are no exits.
41286 LD HL,45088 HL="visible exits are:[0x16]"
41289 CALL PrintMsg Call PrintMsg.
DisplayExits_0 41292 LD A,(IX+0)
41295 CALL 41146 Call 41146.
41298 CALL PrintToken Call PrintToken.
41301 CALL 41252 Call DisplayExits_0.
41304 JR NZ,DisplayExits_0
41306 CALL 34179 Call 34179.
DisplayExits_1 41309 POP BC Restore BC, DE, IY and IX from the stack.
41310 POP DE
41311 POP IY
41313 POP IX
41315 RET Return.
This entry point is used by the routines at Action_Attack and Action_Examine.
DisplayExits_2 41316 LD L,(IY+8)
41319 LD H,(IY+9)
41322 JR DisplayExits_4
This entry point is used by the routines at Action_Dir, Action_Shoot, 37134, Action_Attack, Action_Examine and ActionClimbOut.
DisplayExits_3 41324 LD L,(IX+8)
41327 LD H,(IX+9)
DisplayExits_4 41330 PUSH DE
41331 PUSH HL
41332 LD HL,41508
41335 BIT 7,A
41337 JR Z,DisplayExits_5
41339 LD HL,41524
DisplayExits_5 41342 CALL 41149
41345 POP HL
41346 PUSH DE
41347 PUSH HL
41348 LD HL,44987 HL="[0x04] is[0x01][0x15]"
41351 CALL PrintMsg Call PrintMsg.
41354 POP DE
41355 RET Return.
This entry point is used by the routines at Action_Attack, 38579 and ActionClimbOut.
DisplayExits_6 41356 PUSH IX
41358 CALL LocateObject
41361 LD (IX+12),0
41365 LD (IX+13),0
41369 LD DE,205
41372 BIT 6,(IX+7)
41376 JR Z,DisplayExits_7
41378 LD DE,402
DisplayExits_7 41381 LD (IX+10),E
41384 LD (IX+11),D
41387 POP IX
41389 RET Return.
41390 PUSH IY
41392 PUSH IX
41394 LD IX,49248
DisplayExits_8 41398 CALL Step3ByteTable_Next
41401 JR Z,DisplayExits_9
41403 CP (IY+1)
41406 JR NZ,DisplayExits_8
DisplayExits_9 41408 LD A,(IX+0)
41411 POP IX
41413 POP IY
41415 RET Return.
This entry point is used by the routine at Action_Shoot.
DisplayExits_10 41416 LD A,(IX+7)
41419 AND 72
41421 CP 64
41423 RET Return.
This entry point is used by the routine at Action_Examine.
DisplayExits_11 41424 PUSH HL
41425 PUSH BC
41426 LD B,5
41428 LD HL,41483
41431 LD A,(46823)
DisplayExits_12 41434 CP (HL)
41435 JR Z,DisplayExits_13
41437 INC HL
41438 DJNZ DisplayExits_12
DisplayExits_13 41440 POP BC
41441 POP HL
41442 RET Return.
This entry point is used by the routines at ActionCapture and ActionClimbOut.
DisplayExits_14 41443 PUSH HL Stash HL on the stack.
41444 LD HL,45065 HL="You say "[0x16]"
41447 CALL PrintMsg Call PrintMsg.
41450 POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
41451 LD A,1 Write $01 to 46852.
41453 LD (46852),A
41456 CALL PrintMsg Call PrintMsg.
41459 LD HL,45071 HL=" ".[0x14]"
41462 JP PrintMsg Jump to PrintMsg.
This entry point is used by the routines at 37134 and Action_Examine.
DisplayExits_15 41465 LD IX,(46856)
41469 BIT 0,(IX+7)
41473 LD A,128
41475 RET NZ
This entry point is used by the routine at Action_Examine.
DisplayExits_16 41476 BIT 5,(IX+7)
41480 LD A,133
41482 RET Return.
41483 DEFB 14,17,18,20,44,128,4,7
41491 DEFB 6,254,1,121,7,133,4,142
41499 DEFB 4,12,6,21,6,37,7,196
41507 DEFB 1,24,7,0,0,40,2,0
41515 DEFB 0,159,4,57,1,146,1,0
41523 DEFB 0,246,3,0,0,185,2,205
41531 DEFB 0,170,4,180,4,212,7,0
41539 DEFB 0,205,68,157,201
Prev: 41252 Up: Map Next: 41544