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8CF0: Initialise New Game
Used by the routine at StartGame.
See Lives.
InitialiseNewGame 8CF0 LD HL,$0606 Write 06 to *PlayerLives and 06 to *GirlLives.
8CF3 LD ($8F7C),HL
8CF6 LD HL,$0000 Write 0000 to;
8CF9 LD ($98E3),HL
8CFC LD ($96B4),HL
8CFF LD ($96B7),HL
8D02 LD A,H A=00.
8D03 LD HL,$6464 Write 6464 to *PlayerCash / *GirlCash.
8D06 LD ($96B5),HL
8D09 INC A Write 01 to;
8D0A LD ($8D49),A
8D0D LD ($8E42),A
Game_Loop 8D10 CALL JumpToInPlayGirlRoutine Call JumpToInPlayGirlRoutine.
InitialiseRound 8D13 LD A,$F4
8D15 OUT ($FE),A
8D17 CALL PlayGame Call PlayGame.
8D1A OR A Jump to InitialiseRound if the response was zero.
8D1B JR Z,InitialiseRound
8D1D DEC A Jump to Print_RoundOver if the response was 01.
8D1E JR Z,Print_RoundOver
8D20 LD A,($98E3) Jump to Print_GameOver if *CurrentStage is equal to 11.
8D23 CP $11
8D25 JR Z,Print_GameOver
Messaging options:
ID Message ID Message
01 message-18-00 02 message-18-01
03 message-18-02
8D27 LD A,$12 Call Messaging_Girl using message block 12.
8D29 CALL Messaging_Girl
8D2C LD A,$04 Write 04 to *GirlLives.
8D2E LD ($8F7D),A
8D31 LD A,($8D49) A=*TurnFlag?.
8D34 XOR %00000001 Flip bit 1.
8D36 LD ($8D49),A Write A to;
8D39 LD ($8E42),A
8D3C JR Game_Loop Jump to Game_Loop.
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