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9822: Jump To InPlay Girl Routine
Used by the routines at InitialiseNewGame and GirlLostRound.
JumpToInPlayGirlRoutine 9822 LD A,($98E3) Return if *CurrentStage is equal to 11.
9825 CP $11
9827 RET Z
9828 INC A Increment *CurrentStage by one.
9829 LD ($98E3),A
982C LD HL,$98E0 HL=98E0 (i.e. JumpTable_StageData).
FindCurrentGirlJumpRoutine 982F INC HL Increment HL by five.
9830 INC HL
9831 INC HL
9832 INC HL
9833 INC HL
9834 DEC A Decrease A by one and jump back to FindCurrentGirlJumpRoutine until A is zero.
9835 JR NZ,FindCurrentGirlJumpRoutine
9837 JP (HL) Jump to the address held by HL.
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