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9838: Print Girl
Used by the routine at Graphics_Width04.
PrintGirl 9838 PUSH BC Stash BC on the stack.
9839 CALL PrintGraphic Call PrintGraphic.
983C POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
983D SRL C Shift C left three times.
983F SRL C
9841 SRL C
9843 PUSH DE HL=DE (using the stack).
9844 POP HL
GirlCopyAttributes_RowLoop 9845 PUSH IX Stash IX and BC on the stack.
9847 PUSH BC
GirlCopyAttributes_Loop 9848 LD A,(HL) Copy a byte of data from *HL to *IX+00.
9849 LD (IX+$00),A
984C INC HL Increment HL by one.
984D INC IX Increment IX by one.
984F DJNZ GirlCopyAttributes_Loop Decrease the counter by one and loop back to GirlCopyAttributes_Loop until the counter is zero.
9851 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
9852 POP IX Restore IX from the stack.
9854 LD DE,$0020 IX+=0020.
9857 ADD IX,DE
9859 DEC C Decrease C by one.
985A JR NZ,GirlCopyAttributes_RowLoop Jump back to GirlCopyAttributes_RowLoop until C is zero.
985C INC C Increment C by one.
985D RET Return.
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