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36614: Girl Won Round
Used by the routines at PlayGame and Handler_Showdown.
GirlWonRound 36614 LD A,(38580) Update *GirlCash as the girl has won this round. So, add *PotValue to *GirlCash and write the result back to *GirlCash.
36617 LD B,A
36618 LD A,(38582)
36621 ADD A,B
36622 LD (38582),A
Display a random "I've won" message.
ID Message ID Message
1 message-00-00 2 message-00-01
3 message-00-02 4 message-00-03
5 message-00-04
36625 XOR A Call Messaging_Girl using message block 0.
36626 CALL Messaging_Girl
Check if this is round over or game over for the player.
36629 LD A,(38581) Call PlayerLostRound if *PlayerCash is lower than 10.
36632 CP 10
36634 LD A,0
36636 CALL C,PlayerLostRound
36639 RET Return with A being 0.
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