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37833: Check For Three-Of-A-Kind
Used by the routine at CheckStraight.
Check if there is a three-of-a-kind.
CheckThreeOfAKind 37833 CALL Handler_ThreeOfAKind Call Handler_ThreeOfAKind.
37836 JR NZ,CheckTwoPairs Jump to CheckTwoPairs if there are no three-of-a-kind matches.
There is a three-of-a-kind! Process it.
37838 CALL CalculateCard Call CalculateCard.
37841 LD (38044),A Write A to *TableHandEvaluation_BaseCard.
Record this hand "type".
37844 LD A,4 Write "Three-Of-A-Kind" to *TableHandEvaluation_Type.
37846 LD (38043),A
37849 XOR A Write 0 to *TableHandEvaluation_BaseCardSuit.
37850 LD (38045),A
37853 RET Return.
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