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37854: Check For Two Pairs
Used by the routine at CheckThreeOfAKind.
Check if there is are two pairs.
CheckTwoPairs 37854 CALL Handler_TwoPairs Call Handler_TwoPairs.
37857 JR NZ,CheckPair Jump to CheckPair if there are no two pairs matches.
There are two pairs! Process it.
37859 CALL CalculateCard Call CalculateCard.
37862 LD (38044),A Write A to *TableHandEvaluation_BaseCard.
37865 LD HL,(38166) HL=*PointerDuplicateCount.
37868 CALL CalculateCard Call CalculateCard.
37871 LD (38046),A Write A to *TableHandEvaluation_HighCard_1.
37874 LD HL,38208 HL=Table_CardDuplicates.
CheckTwoPairs_0 37877 LD A,(HL) Jump to CheckTwoPairs_1 if *HL is equal to 1.
37878 CP 1
37880 JR Z,CheckTwoPairs_1
37882 INC HL Increment HL by one.
37883 JR CheckTwoPairs_0 Jump to CheckTwoPairs_0.
CheckTwoPairs_1 37885 CALL CalculateCard Call CalculateCard.
37888 LD (38047),A Write A to *TableHandEvaluation_HighCard_2.
37891 LD A,(38044) A=*TableHandEvaluation_BaseCard.
37894 CALL CalculateSuit Call CalculateSuit.
37897 LD (38045),A Write A to *TableHandEvaluation_BaseCardSuit.
Record this hand "type".
37900 LD A,3 Write "Two Pairs" to *TableHandEvaluation_Type.
37902 LD (38043),A
37905 RET Return.
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