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58021: Human 2: Reappearing
Human_Reappearing 58021 POP HL Restore human table pointer from the stack.
Decrease the countdown and just skip this human until they're "ready" to be generated.
58022 LD A,(HL) Decrease the humans action countdown by one.
58023 DEC A
58024 LD (HL),A
58025 JP NZ,Handler_Humans_Skip Jump to Handler_Humans_Skip until the countdown is zero.
Choose a random human type...
58028 LD (HL),14 Update the countdown to 14.
58030 DEC HL Decrease the human table pointer by one (back to the "type").
58031 CALL RandomNumber Get a random number between 1-16.
58034 AND %00001111
58036 INC A
58037 LD (HL),A Write the random number to the human type.
58038 POP BC Restore the current human ID from the stack.
58039 JP Handler_Humans_Loop Jump to Handler_Humans_Loop.
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