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57949: Handler: Humans
Used by the routine at RunHandlers.
Handler_Humans 57949 LD B,16 B=16 (maximum possible number of on-screen humans).
57951 XOR A Write 0 to *Flag_Orientation.
57952 LD (53831),A
57955 LD HL,53845 HL=Table_Humans.
This entry point is used by the routines at Human_Hiding, Human_Reappearing, Handler_Human_Hide and Handler_Humans_Skip.
Handler_Humans_Loop 57958 PUSH BC Stash the countdown on the stack.
57959 LD A,(HL) A=human type.
57960 INC HL Increment human table pointer by one.
57961 AND A Jump to Handler_Humans_Skip if the currently processed human is not in-use.
57962 JP Z,Handler_Humans_Skip
57965 EX AF,AF' Exchange the AF register with the shadow AF register.
57966 PUSH HL Stash the human table pointer on the stack.
Fetch the humans screen co-ordinates and store them in BC.
57967 INC HL Increment human table pointer by one.
57968 LD C,(HL) C=*HL.
57969 INC HL Increment human table pointer by one.
57970 LD B,(HL) B=*HL.
57971 LD DE,264 DE=264 (TODO; probably sprite size 1 byte by 8 lines).
57974 CALL 57551 Call 57551.
57977 JR NZ,Controller_Humans Jump to Controller_Humans if this human is able to be processed (as in, is alive).
This human is no more (RIP) mark this position as no longer viable for holding human data.
57979 POP HL Restore human table pointer from the stack.
57980 DEC HL Decrease the human table pointer by one (back to the "type").
57981 XOR A Mark this human as no longer in-use.
57982 LD (HL),A
57983 INC HL Move the human table pointer to the next human.
57984 INC HL
57985 INC HL
57986 INC HL
57987 JP Handler_Humans_Next Jump to Handler_Humans_Next.
Convert the human type to an address from Table_HumanTypes and jump to it.
Controller_Humans 57990 EX AF,AF' Exchange the AF register with the shadow AF register.
57991 DEC A Decrease A by one.
57992 ADD A,A A*=2.
57993 LD D,0 Create an offset using DE.
57995 LD E,A
57996 LD HL,58710 HL=Table_HumanTypes+DE.
57999 ADD HL,DE
58000 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
58001 INC HL Increment HL by one.
58002 LD H,(HL) H=*HL.
58003 LD L,A L=A.
58004 JP (HL) Jump to *HL.
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