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60150: Routine at EAF6
60150 CALL Controls Call Controls.
60153 CP 8 Jump to 60207 if A is not equal to 8.
60155 JP NZ,60207
60158 LD A,(53828) Jump to 60207 if *JumpTable_Pointer is equal to 28.
60161 CP 28
60163 JP Z,60207
60166 LD A,(53838) Jump to 60207 if *Active_MonsterYPosition is higher than 17.
60169 CP 17
60171 JR NC,60207
60173 LD A,(53837) Jump to 60184 if *Active_MonsterXPosition is equal to 255.
60176 CP 255
60178 JR Z,60184
60180 CP 29 Jump to 60207 if *Active_MonsterXPosition is higher than 29.
60182 JR NC,60207
60184 LD HL,53831 HL=Flag_Orientation.
60187 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
60188 XOR %00000001 Flip bit 0.
60190 INC HL Increment HL by one.
60191 AND (HL) Merge the bits from *HL.
60192 CALL NZ,Handler_DecreaseMonsterXPosition Call Handler_DecreaseMonsterXPosition not zero.
60195 LD A,(53830) A=*Flag_MonsterClimbing.
60198 RRCA Rotate A right one position, setting the carry flag if bit 0 was set.
60199 CALL C,Handler_IncrementMonsterYPosition Call Handler_IncrementMonsterYPosition if the carry flag is set.
60202 LD A,8 A=8.
60204 JP Controls_Up Jump to Controls_Up.
This entry point is used by the routine at Handler_Controls.
60207 LD A,(53830) A=*Flag_MonsterClimbing.
60210 RRCA Rotate A right one position, setting the carry flag if bit 0 was set.
60211 JR NC,60227 Jump to 60227 if the carry flag is not set.
60213 LD HL,51350 HL=51350.
60216 LD A,(53831) A=*Flag_Orientation.
Moves the orientation flag into the carry flag.
60219 RRCA Rotate A right one position, setting the carry flag if bit 0 was set.
60220 JR NC,60239 Jump to 60239 if the carry flag is not set.
60222 LD HL,51369 HL=51369.
60225 JR 60239 Jump to 60239.
60227 LD HL,51310 HL=51310.
60230 LD A,(53831) A=*Flag_Orientation.
Moves the orientation flag into the carry flag.
60233 RRCA Rotate A right one position, setting the carry flag if bit 0 was set.
60234 JR NC,60239 Jump to 60239 if the carry flag is not set.
60236 LD HL,51330 HL=51330.
60239 LD BC,(53837) BC=*Active_MonsterXPosition/Active_MonsterYPosition.
60243 LD A,(53836) Increment *53836 by one.
60246 INC A
60247 LD (53836),A
This entry point is used by the routine at Handler_Projectiles.
60250 LD D,0 D=0.
60252 LD E,A E=A.
60253 ADD HL,DE HL+=DE.
60254 LD (53790),HL Write HL to *53790.
60257 LD D,(HL) D=*HL.
60258 BIT 5,D Jump to 60263 if bit 5 of D is not set.
60260 JR Z,60263
60262 INC C Increment C by one.
60263 BIT 0,D Jump to 60268 if bit 0 of D is not set.
60265 JR Z,60268
60267 INC C Increment C by one.
60268 BIT 1,D Jump to 60273 if bit 1 of D is not set.
60270 JR Z,60273
60272 DEC C Decrease C by one.
60273 LD A,(54271) Jump to 60296 if *54271 is not zero.
60276 AND A
60277 JR NZ,60296
60279 LD A,(53831) A=*Flag_Orientation.
60282 XOR %00011111 Flip bits 0-4.
60284 CP C Jump to 60526 if A is equal to C.
60285 JP Z,60526
60288 XOR %00011110 Flip bits 1-4.
60290 ADD A,252 A+=252.
60292 CP C Jump to 60526 if A is equal to C.
60293 JP Z,60526
60296 BIT 2,D Jump to 60301 if bit 2 of D is not set.
60298 JR Z,60301
60300 DEC B Decrease B by one.
60301 LD A,D A=D.
60302 EX AF,AF' Exchange the AF register with the shadow AF register.
60303 BIT 3,D Jump to 60381 if bit 3 of D is not set.
60305 JR Z,60381
60307 INC B Increment B by one.
60308 LD A,(54271) Jump to 60381 if *54271 is not zero.
60311 AND A
60312 JR NZ,60381
60314 LD A,18 Jump to 60498 if B is equal to 18.
60316 CP B
60317 JP Z,60498
60320 LD A,B Write B to *Active_MonsterYPosition.
60321 LD (53838),A
60324 LD (53788),BC Write BC to *53788.
60328 LD BC,1282 BC=1282.
60331 LD DE,2319 DE=2319.
60334 CALL 57517 Call 57517.
60337 LD BC,(53788) BC=*53788.
60341 JR Z,60381 Jump to 60381 if {} is zero.
60343 LD A,(53828) Jump to 60381 if *JumpTable_Pointer is equal to 28.
60346 CP 28
60348 JR Z,60381
60350 LD A,(53830) A=*Flag_MonsterClimbing.
60353 RRCA Rotate A right one position, setting the carry flag if bit 0 was set.
60354 JP NC,60498 Jump to 60498 if the carry flag is not set.
60357 LD (53788),BC Write BC to *53788.
60361 LD B,5 B=5.
60363 LD A,(53831) C=*Flag_Orientation*4.
60366 ADD A,A
60367 ADD A,A
60368 LD C,A
60369 LD DE,2319 DE=2319.
60372 CALL 57517 Call 57517.
60375 LD BC,(53788) BC=*53788.
60379 JR NZ,60498 Jump to 60498 if {} is not zero.
60381 LD A,(54271) Return if *54271 is not zero.
60384 AND A
60385 RET NZ
60386 EX AF,AF' Exchange the AF register with the shadow AF register.
60387 BIT 4,A Jump to 60464 if bit 4 of A is not set.
60389 JR Z,60464
60391 INC B Increment B by one.
60392 LD A,(54271) Return if *54271 is not zero.
60395 AND A
60396 RET NZ
60397 LD A,18 Jump to 60498 if B is not equal to 18.
60399 CP B
60400 JR Z,60498
60402 LD A,B A=B.
60403 LD (53838),A Write A to *Active_MonsterYPosition.
60406 LD (53788),BC Write BC to *53788.
60410 LD BC,1282 BC=1282.
60413 LD DE,2319 DE=2319.
60416 CALL 57517 Call 57517.
60419 LD BC,(53788) BC=*53788.
60423 JP Z,60464 Jump to 60464 if {} is zero.
60426 LD A,(53828) Jump to 60464 if *JumpTable_Pointer is equal to 28.
60429 CP 28
60431 JP Z,60464
60434 LD A,(53830) A=*Flag_MonsterClimbing.
60437 RRCA Rotate A right one position, setting the carry flag if bit 0 was set.
60438 JR NC,60498 Jump to 60498 if the carry flag is not set.
60440 LD (53788),BC Write BC to *53788.
60444 LD B,5 B=5.
60446 LD A,(53831) C=*Flag_Orientation*4.
60449 ADD A,A
60450 ADD A,A
60451 LD C,A
60452 LD DE,2319 DE=2319.
60455 CALL 57517 Call 57517.
60458 LD BC,(53788) BC=*53788.
60462 JR NZ,60498 Jump to 60498 if {} is not zero.
60464 LD (53837),BC Write BC to *Active_MonsterXPosition.
60468 LD A,(53783) Jump to Handler_JumpPunch if *53783 is higher than 17.
60471 CP 17
60473 JP NC,Handler_JumpPunch
The routine at DrawMonsterSprite handles which monster to display.
60476 LD A,9 A=sprite ID 9.
George Lizzy Ralph
ID Sprite ID Sprite ID Sprite
9 sprite-9-left 73 sprite-73-left 137 sprite-137-left
60478 PUSH BC Stash the co-ordinates on the stack.
60479 CALL DrawMonsterSprite Call DrawMonsterSprite.
60482 POP BC Restore the co-ordinates from the stack.
60483 INC B Increment both the X and Y positions by one to target drawing the mouth section.
60484 INC C
60485 LD A,(53831) A=*Flag_Orientation.
60488 XOR %00000001 Flip bit 0.
60490 ADD A,C A+=C.
60491 LD C,A C=A.
The routine at DrawMonsterSprite handles which monster to display.
60492 LD A,23 A=sprite ID 23.
George Lizzy Ralph
ID Sprite ID Sprite ID Sprite
23 sprite-23-left 87 sprite-87-left 151 sprite-151-left
60494 CALL DrawMonsterSprite Call DrawMonsterSprite.
60497 RET Return.
60498 LD (53837),BC Write BC to *Active_MonsterXPosition.
60502 LD A,(53831) A=*Flag_Orientation.
Moves the orientation flag into the carry flag.
60505 RRCA Rotate A right one position, setting the carry flag if bit 0 was set.
60506 CALL NC,Handler_DecreaseMonsterXPosition Call Handler_DecreaseMonsterXPosition if the carry flag is not set.
60509 XOR A Write 0 to:
60510 LD (53836),A
60513 LD (53830),A
60516 LD (53832),A
60519 INC A Increment A by one.
60520 LD (53839),A Write A to *53839.
60523 JP 61318 Jump to 61318.
60526 XOR A Write 0 to *53836.
60527 LD (53836),A
60530 INC A Increment A by one.
60531 LD (53828),A Write A to *JumpTable_Pointer.
60534 LD A,(53838) Jump to 61318 if *Active_MonsterYPosition is equal to 18.
60537 CP 18
60539 JP Z,61318
60542 LD A,11 Write 11 to *JumpTable_Pointer.
60544 LD (53828),A
60547 LD A,B Write B to *Active_MonsterYPosition.
60548 LD (53838),A
60551 JP Action_JumpTable Jump to Action_JumpTable.
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