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62516: Process Monsters
Used by the routine at RunHandlers.
ProcessMonsters 62516 LD HL,53816 HL=53816.
Work backwards from Ralph to George.
62519 LD A,3 Write 3 (Ralph) to *Temp_MonsterID.
ProcessMonsters_Loop 62521 LD (57157),A
62524 PUSH AF Stash the current monster ID and HL on the stack.
62525 PUSH HL
62526 LD A,(HL) If *HL is not at the terminator jump to 62544.
62527 CP 255
62529 CALL NZ,62544
62532 POP HL Restore HL and the current monster ID from the stack.
62533 POP AF
62534 DEC HL Decrease HL by six.
62535 DEC HL
62536 DEC HL
62537 DEC HL
62538 DEC HL
62539 DEC HL
62540 DEC A Decrease current monster ID by one.
62541 JR NZ,ProcessMonsters_Loop Jump to ProcessMonsters_Loop until all monsters have been processed.
62543 RET Return.
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