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56951: Run Handlers
Used by the routine at GameEntryPoint.
RunHandlers 56951 CALL Handler_Buildings Call Handler_Buildings.
56954 CALL Handler_SpawnHumans Call Handler_SpawnHumans.
56957 CALL Handler_SpawnHelicopters Call Handler_SpawnHelicopters.
56960 CALL Handler_EnergyBar Call Handler_EnergyBar.
56963 CALL WriteSceneToShadowBuffer Call WriteSceneToShadowBuffer.
56966 CALL Handler_EnergyBarAttributes Call Handler_EnergyBarAttributes.
56969 CALL Handler_Humans Call Handler_Humans.
56972 CALL PrintBanner Call PrintBanner.
56975 CALL Handler_Helicopters Call Handler_Helicopters.
56978 CALL Handler_Vehicle Call Handler_Vehicle.
56981 CALL Handler_Monsters Call Handler_Monsters.
56984 CALL Something_Helicopter Call Something_Helicopter.
56987 CALL Handler_Train Call Handler_Train.
56990 CALL 62447 Call 62447.
56993 CALL Handler_Bullets Call Handler_Bullets.
56996 CALL Handler_Projectiles Call Handler_Projectiles.
56999 CALL 63368 Call 63368.
57002 CALL ProcessMonsters Call ProcessMonsters.
57005 CALL Scene_DisplayCarpet Call Scene_DisplayCarpet.
57008 CALL ScreenBuffer_Update Call ScreenBuffer_Update.
57011 CALL AttributeBuffer_Update Call AttributeBuffer_Update.
57014 CALL 63678 Call 63678.
57017 CALL PlaySounds Call PlaySounds.
WaitForFrameBuffer 57020 LD A,(23672) HL=FRAMES.
57023 CP 6 Jump to WaitForFrameBuffer if A is lower than 6.
57025 JR C,WaitForFrameBuffer
57027 JP GameLoop Jump to GameLoop.
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