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63873: Print Selection Screen
Used by the routine at SelectionScreen.
Print_SelectionScreen 63873 LD HL,53385 HL=Messaging_Credits.
63876 LD BC,3840 BC=3840 (screen co-ordinates).
SelectionScreen_CreditsLoop 63879 PUSH BC Stash BC on the stack.
63880 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
63883 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
63884 INC HL Move onto the start of the next message.
63885 INC B Move down one screen row.
Check if all lines of Messaging_Credits have been printed.
63886 LD A,B Jump to SelectionScreen_CreditsLoop if B is not equal to 23.
63887 CP 23
63889 JR NZ,SelectionScreen_CreditsLoop
Now display Messaging_SelectMenu (which doesn't use the same mechanism as the lines aren't sequential).
63891 LD HL,53520 HL=Messaging_SelectMenu.
Prints "S - START".
63894 LD BC,1281 BC=1281 (screen co-ordinates).
63897 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
63900 INC HL Move onto the start of the next message.
Prints "GAME".
63901 LD BC,1541 BC=1541 (screen co-ordinates).
63904 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
63907 INC HL Move onto the start of the next message.
Prints "C - CHANGE".
63908 LD BC,2305 BC=2305 (screen co-ordinates).
63911 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
63914 INC HL Move onto the start of the next message.
Prints "GAME".
63915 LD BC,2565 BC=2565 (screen co-ordinates).
63918 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
Prints "CONTROLS".
63921 LD BC,2821 BC=2821 (screen co-ordinates).
63924 INC HL Move onto the start of the next message.
63925 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
Output to the screen buffer.
63928 CALL ScreenBuffer_Update Call ScreenBuffer_Update.
63931 CALL AttributeBuffer_Update Call AttributeBuffer_Update.
63934 RET Return.
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