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64456: Press Any Key/ Pause
Used by the routine at SelectionScreen.
This routine will return on a keypress, or if the counter reaches 255.
PressAnyKey_Pause 64456 LD B,255 B=255 (counter).
PressAnyKey_Loop 64458 CALL GetKeypress Call GetKeypress.
64461 JR Z,Pause_Loop Jump to Pause_Loop if no key has been pressed.
A keypress has occurred so return.
64463 RET Return.
There's not been a keypress, so issue a HALT and loop back round.
Pause_Loop 64464 HALT Halt operation (suspend CPU until the next interrupt).
64465 DJNZ PressAnyKey_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to PressAnyKey_Loop until counter is zero.
The pause counter has expired so just return.
64467 RET Return.
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