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64538: Scene: Display Carpet
Used by the routines at RunHandlers and SelectionScreen.
Return if this scene doesn't contain the carpet.
Scene_DisplayCarpet 64538 LD A,(54270) Return if *Scene_Carpet is 0.
64541 AND A
64542 RET Z
64543 LD BC,5382 BC=5382 (screen co-ordinates).
The carpet, or whatever it is, has two different positions.
64546 CP 1 Jump to DrawCarpet if *Scene_Carpet is 1.
64548 JR Z,DrawCarpet
64550 LD C,22 Update the X position to 22.
Draw the carpet to the buffer.
DrawCarpet 64552 LD A,127 A=sprite ID 127.
ID Sprite
127 sprite-127-left
64554 PUSH BC Stash co-ordinates on the stack.
64555 CALL PrintSprite Call PrintSprite.
64558 POP BC Restore co-ordinates from the stack.
64559 LD A,C Add 4 to the X position to draw the next section of the carpet.
64560 ADD A,4
64562 LD C,A
64563 LD A,127 A=sprite ID 127.
ID Sprite
127 sprite-127-right
64565 CALL PrintSprite_Mirrored Call PrintSprite_Mirrored.
64568 RET Return.
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