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46102: Routine at B416
Used by the routines at StartGame, 46481 and 49055.
46102 LD IX,50030 IX=50030.
46106 BIT 0,(IX+24) Jump to 46117 if bit 0 of *IX+24 is not set.
46110 JR Z,46117
46112 BIT 7,(IX+24) Return if bit 7 of *IX+24 is set.
46116 RET NZ
46117 RES 7,(IX+24) Reset bit 7 of *IX+24.
46121 CALL 45760 Call 45760.
46124 LD IX,50030 IX=50030.
46128 CALL 45940 Call 45940.
46131 BIT 1,(IX+23) Jump to 46144 if bit 1 of *IX+23 is set.
46135 JR NZ,46144
46137 CALL 46264 Call 46264.
46140 CALL 46185 Call 46185.
46143 RET Return.
46144 BIT 0,(IX+24) Return if bit 0 of *IX+24 is not set.
46148 RET Z
46149 SET 7,(IX+24) Set bit 7 of *IX+24.
46153 RET Return.
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