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48521: Routine at BD89
Used by the routine at StartGame.
48521 LD IX,50006 IX=50006.
48525 LD HL,(49783) HL=*49783.
48528 BIT 4,(IX+16) Test bit 4 of *IX+16.
48532 LD DE,33 DE=0033.
48535 JR Z,48540 Jump to 48540 if bit 4 of *IX+16 is not set.
48537 LD DE,45 DE=0045.
48540 ADD HL,DE HL+=DE.
48541 BIT 5,(HL) Return if bit 5 of *HL is not set.
48543 RET Z
48544 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
48545 LD HL,50013 HL=50013.
48548 LD DE,50006 DE=50006.
48551 LD BC,7 BC=0007.
48554 LDIR LDIR.
48556 LD HL,50055 HL=50055.
48559 DEC (HL) Decrease *HL by one.
48560 RET NZ Return if *HL is not zero.
48561 LD (HL),6 Write 6 to *HL.
48563 BIT 0,A Jump to 48572 if bit 0 of A is set.
48565 JR NZ,48572
48567 BIT 3,(IX+23) Return if bit 3 of *IX+23 is not set.
48571 RET Z
48572 SET 3,(IX+23) Set bit 3 of *IX+23.
48576 BIT 5,(IX+19) Jump to 48589 if bit 5 of *IX+19 is not set.
48580 JR Z,48589
48582 RES 5,(IX+19) Reset bit 5 of *IX+19.
48586 JP 47270 Jump to 47270.
48589 LD A,(IX+40) A=*IX+40.
48592 AND %00011111 Keep only bits 0-4.
48594 BIT 4,(IX+40) Jump to 48606 if bit 4 of *IX+40 is not set.
48598 JR Z,48606
48600 CP 22 Jump to 48718 if A is lower than 22.
48602 JR C,48718
48604 JR 48610 Jump to 48610.
48606 CP 10 Jump to 48718 if A is higher than 10.
48608 JR NC,48718
48610 BIT 5,(IX+47) Jump to 48718 if bit 5 of *IX+47 is set.
48614 JR NZ,48718
48616 LD A,(IX+40) A=*IX+40.
48619 LD L,A L=A.
48620 AND %00011111 Keep only bits 0-4.
48622 LD C,A C=A.
48623 LD H,(IX+41) H=*IX+41.
48626 ADD HL,HL HL+=HL.
48627 ADD HL,HL HL+=HL.
48628 ADD HL,HL HL+=HL.
48629 LD A,H A=H.
48630 AND %00011111 Keep only bits 0-4.
48632 NEG NEG.
48634 ADD A,21 A+=21.
48636 LD B,A B=A.
48637 LD A,(IX+16) A=*IX+16.
48640 AND %00011111 Keep only bits 0-4.
48642 CP C Compare A with C.
48643 LD C,0 C=0.
48645 JR C,48649 Jump to 48649 if A is lower than C.
48647 LD C,16 C=16.
48649 LD A,(IX+7) A=*IX+7.
48652 CP B Compare A with B.
48653 LD B,8 B=8.
48655 JR NC,48659 Jump to 48659 if A is higher than B.
48657 LD B,24 B=24.
48659 BIT 5,(IX+23) Jump to 48668 if bit 5 of *IX+23 is not set.
48663 JR Z,48668
48665 LD A,C A=C.
48666 LD C,B C=B.
48667 LD B,A B=A.
48668 BIT 4,(IX+23) Jump to 48693 if bit 4 of *IX+23 is set.
48672 JR NZ,48693
48674 LD A,(IX+19) A=*IX+19.
48677 CP C Jump to 48693 if A is equal to C.
48678 JR Z,48693
48680 LD (IX+19),B Write B to *IX+19.
48683 CALL 48757 Call 48757.
48686 SET 4,(IX+23) Set bit 4 of *IX+23.
48690 LD (IX+19),C Write C to *IX+19.
48693 CALL 48757 Call 48757.
48696 RES 4,(IX+23) Reset bit 4 of *IX+23.
48700 LD (IX+19),B Write B to *IX+19.
48703 CALL 48757 Call 48757.
48706 LD A,C A=C.
48707 XOR %00010000 Reset bit 4.
48709 LD (IX+19),A Write A to *IX+19.
48712 CALL 48757 Call 48757.
48715 JP 47270 Jump to 47270.
48718 BIT 1,(IX+23) Return if bit 1 of *IX+23 is set.
48722 RET NZ
48723 LD BC,(47383) BC=*47383.
48727 JR 48637 Jump to 48637.
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