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48757: Routine at BE75
Used by the routine at 48521.
48757 RES 5,(IX+23) Reset bit 5 of *IX+23.
48761 BIT 3,(IX+19) Jump to 48771 if bit 3 of *IX+19 is not set.
48765 JR Z,48771
48767 SET 5,(IX+23) Set bit 5 of *IX+23.
48771 LD HL,49639 HL=49639.
48774 LD D,0 D=0.
48776 LD A,(IX+19) A=*IX+19.
48779 AND %00011000 Keep only bits 3-4.
48781 RRCA RRCA.
48782 RRCA RRCA.
48783 LD E,A E=A.
48784 ADD HL,DE HL+=DE.
48785 LD E,(HL) E=*HL.
48786 INC HL Increment HL by one.
48787 LD D,(HL) D=*HL.
48788 LD L,(IX+16) L=*IX+16.
48791 LD H,(IX+17) H=*IX+17.
48794 ADD HL,DE HL+=DE.
48795 BIT 3,(IX+19) Jump to 48824 if bit 3 of *IX+19 is set.
48799 JR NZ,48824
48801 LD A,L A=L.
48802 BIT 4,(IX+19) Jump to 48818 if bit 4 of *IX+19 is not set.
48806 JR Z,48818
48808 AND %00011111 Keep only bits 0-4.
48810 CP 31 Return if A is equal to 31.
48812 RET Z
48813 CP 21 Return if A is equal to 21.
48815 RET Z
48816 JR 48824 Jump to 48824.
48818 AND %00011111 Keep only bits 0-4.
48820 RET Z Return if the result is zero.
48821 CP 10 Return if A is equal to 10.
48823 RET Z
48824 BIT 7,(HL) Jump to 48889 if bit 7 of *HL is set.
48826 JR NZ,48889
48828 BIT 5,(IX+48) Test bit 5 of *IX+48.
48832 RES 5,(IX+48) Reset bit 5 of *IX+48.
48836 JR Z,48864 Jump to 48864 if bit 5 of *IX+48 is not set.
48838 BIT 4,(IX+19) Jump to 48854 if bit 4 of *IX+19 is not set.
48842 JR Z,48854
48844 RES 1,(IX+23) Reset bit 1 of *IX+23.
48848 SET 0,(IX+23) Set bit 0 of *IX+23.
48852 JR 48872 Jump to 48872.
48854 RES 1,(IX+23) Reset bit 1 of *IX+23.
48858 SET 2,(IX+23) Set bit 2 of *IX+23.
48862 JR 48872 Jump to 48872.
48864 RES 2,(IX+23) Reset bit 2 of *IX+23.
48868 RES 0,(IX+23) Reset bit 0 of *IX+23.
48872 POP DE Restore DE from the stack.
48873 PUSH HL Stash HL on the stack.
48874 CALL Handler_BittenByDog Call Handler_BittenByDog.
48877 LD HL,52285 HL=52285.
48880 SET 1,(HL) Set bit 1 of *HL.
48882 POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
48883 LD B,(IX+19) B=*IX+19.
48886 JP 47242 Jump to 47242.
48889 LD A,(47384) A=*47384.
48892 BIT 3,(IX+19) Jump to 48907 if bit 3 of *IX+19 is not set.
48896 JR Z,48907
48898 INC A Increment A by one.
48899 BIT 4,(IX+19) Jump to 48907 if bit 4 of *IX+19 is not set.
48903 JR Z,48907
48905 SUB 2 A-=2.
48907 CP (IX+7) Return if A with *IX+7 is not zero.
48910 RET NZ
48911 SET 5,(IX+48) Set bit 5 of *IX+48.
48915 BIT 1,(IX+23) Jump to 48872 if bit 1 of *IX+23 is set.
48919 JR NZ,48872
48921 BIT 3,(IX+19) Return if bit 3 of *IX+19 is set.
48925 RET NZ
48926 BIT 4,(IX+19) Jump to 48954 if bit 4 of *IX+19 is set.
48930 JR NZ,48954
48932 BIT 0,(IX+23) Jump to 48944 if bit 0 of *IX+23 is set.
48936 JR NZ,48944
48938 SET 0,(IX+23) Set bit 0 of *IX+23.
48942 JR 48872 Jump to 48872.
48944 RES 0,(IX+23) Reset bit 0 of *IX+23.
48948 SET 1,(IX+23) Set bit 1 of *IX+23.
48952 JR 48872 Jump to 48872.
48954 BIT 2,(IX+23) Jump to 48966 if bit 2 of *IX+23 is set.
48958 JR NZ,48966
48960 SET 2,(IX+23) Set bit 2 of *IX+23.
48964 JR 48872 Jump to 48872.
48966 RES 2,(IX+23) Reset bit 2 of *IX+23.
48970 SET 1,(IX+23) Set bit 1 of *IX+23.
48974 JR 48872 Jump to 48872.
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