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8519: Select Yes/ No
Used by the routines at Select1Or2PlayerGame and Handler_SubGame.
Select_Yes/No 8519 CALL PauseCheck Call PauseCheck.
Set up to print "No".
Select_No 851C LD HL,$8C10 HL=Messaging_No.
851F CALL Select_GetInput Call Select_GetInput.
8522 JR Z,Select_Yes Jump to Select_Yes if "Yes" was selected.
8524 AND A Set flags.
8525 RET Return.
Set up to print "Yes".
Select_Yes 8526 LD HL,$8C23 HL=Messaging_Yes.
8529 CALL Select_GetInput Call Select_GetInput.
852C JR Z,Select_No Jump to Select_No if "No" was selected".
852E RET Return.
Prints the current choice, and handles the player input.
Select_GetInput 852F LD DE,$509B DE=509B (screen buffer location).
8532 CALL Print_String Call Print_String.
Keep looping round until the player either chooses, or changes their choice.
Select_Yes/No_Loop 8535 LD B,$0A Call 8055 with a count of 0A.
8537 CALL $8055
853A CALL Handler_Controls Call Handler_Controls.
853D LD A,E A=the control byte.
853E AND %00101000 Keep only bits 3 ("down") and 5 ("fire").
8540 CP $08 Return if "down" was pressed.
8542 RET Z
8543 CP $28 Jump to Select_Yes/No_Loop if there was no input from the player.
8545 JR Z,Select_Yes/No_Loop
8547 RET Else, "fire" was pressed - just return.
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