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40790: Remove Entity
RemoveEntity 40790 CALL PrepDraw23
This entry point is used by the routine at 40603.
RemoveEntity_0 40793 EXX
40794 XOR A
40795 LD C,A
40796 LD (24089),A
40799 LD A,(24088)
40802 LD (24081),A
40805 LD A,L
40806 AND 7
40808 LD A,2
40810 JR Z,RemoveEntity_1
40812 INC A
RemoveEntity_1 40813 LD (24080),A
40816 EXX
40817 JP 40603
40820 PUSH DE
40821 CALL PrepDraw23_0
40824 EXX
40825 POP DE
40826 CALL PrepDraw2_0
40829 EXX
40830 JR DisplayEntity_0
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