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40863: Prepare Draw 2 Byte Sprite
Used by the routines at DrawEntity and DisplayEntity.
PrepDraw2 40863 CALL GetEntitySprite Call GetEntitySprite.
This entry point is used by the routines at 40603 and RemoveEntity.
PrepDraw2_0 40866 LD L,(IX+3)
40869 LD H,(IX+4)
40872 LD A,L
40873 DEC A
40874 RLCA
40875 AND 14
40877 CP 14
40879 JR NZ,PrepDraw2_1
40881 LD A,232
PrepDraw2_1 40883 LD (40746),A
40886 LD A,2
40888 JR Z,PrepDraw2_2
40890 INC A
PrepDraw2_2 40891 LD (24080),A
40894 CALL ScreenAddress
40897 LD A,(DE)
40898 LD (24089),A
40901 LD (24081),A
40904 JR PrepDraw23_2
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