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40832: Prepare Draw 2/ 3 Byte Sprite
Used by the routines at RemoveEntity and DisplayEntity.
PrepDraw23 40832 CALL GetSpriteA Call GetSpriteA.
This entry point is used by the routines at 40603 and RemoveEntity.
PrepDraw23_0 40835 LD HL,(24086) HL=Saved_X (saved X position).
40838 LD A,L
40839 DEC A
40840 RLCA
40841 AND %00001110 Keep only bits 1-3.
40843 CP 14
40845 JR NZ,PrepDraw23_1
40847 LD A,232
PrepDraw23_1 40849 LD (40677),A
40852 CALL ScreenAddress
40855 LD A,(DE)
40856 LD (24088),A
This entry point is used by the routine at PrepDraw2.
PrepDraw23_2 40859 LD C,0
40861 INC DE
40862 RET Return.
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