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25359: Reset Players
Used by the routine at StartGame.
ResetPlayers 25359 LD B,2 B=$02
ResetPlayers_0 25361 PUSH BC Stores BC on the stack
25362 XOR A Clear A (sets to $00)
25363 LD (24048),A ActivePlayer_Level=A
25366 LD A,4 A=Number of lives for 1UP on starting a game
25368 LD (24049),A Updates ActivePlayer_Lives with the number of starting lives
25371 CALL RocketReset
25374 CALL ChangePlayer
25377 POP BC
25378 DJNZ ResetPlayers_0 Decrease B by one, jump to ResetPlayers_0 if not zero
25380 LD A,5 A=Number of lives for 2UP on starting a game
25382 LD (24057),A Updates InactivePlayer_Lives with the number of starting lives
25385 LD A,(23795) A=GameOptions
25388 AND 1 Return if this is a 2UP game
25390 RET NZ
25391 LD (24057),A Sets InactivePlayer_Lives to zero (as a 1UP game is in progress)
25394 RET Return
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