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25395: Start Game
Used by the routine at GameInitialisation.
StartGame 25395 LD HL,23796 HL=1UP_Score
25398 LD BC,24576 BC=Platform_Buffer
25401 CALL ResetScreen_0
25404 CALL ResetPlayers
25407 CALL 27019
25410 CALL LevelNew
This entry point is used by the routine at 26981.
StartGame_0 25413 LD SP,23792 Change the stack pointer to High_Score
25416 EI Enable interrupts
25417 LD IX,23856 IX=ActivePlayerRocket_State
25421 XOR A Clear A (sets to $00)
25422 LD (24011),A Writes A to ActiveAlien
This entry point is used by the routine at 26981.
StartGame_1 25425 LD A,(23672) Compare FRAMES and LastFrame.
25428 LD C,A
25429 LD A,(24020)
25432 CP C
25433 CALL NZ,26981
25436 LD HL,27048 Stash 27048 on the stack.
25439 PUSH HL
25440 LD HL,25460 HL=JumpTable.
25443 LD A,(IX+0)
25446 RLCA A=A * 2.
25447 AND %01111110 Keep only bits 1-6.
This entry point is used by the routine at 25752.
StartGame_2 25449 LD C,A Create an offset in BC.
25450 LD B,0
25452 ADD HL,BC HL=the address held at JumpTable + offset.
25453 LD A,(HL)
25454 INC HL
25455 LD H,(HL)
25456 LD L,A
25457 JP 23728 Jump to NMIADD which will jump to the address in HL.
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