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33211: Start Game
Used by the routine at Game_Restart.
StartGame 33211 LD DE,47669 DE=47669.
33214 CALL 47548 Call 47548.
Reset Planet data.
33217 LD HL,24144 HL=24144.
33220 LD BC,24576 BC=Laser_Param_1.
33223 CALL ResetScreen_0 Call ResetScreen_0.
33226 CALL ResetPlanet Call ResetPlanet.
33229 CALL NewGame Call NewGame.
33232 CALL 33327 Call 33327.
33235 CALL LevelNew Call LevelNew.
This entry point is used by the routine at 33368.
StartGame_0 33238 LD SP,24064 Set the stack pointer to GameOptions.
33241 LD A,(24168) If 24168 is not zero, call 41679.
33244 AND A
33245 CALL NZ,41679
33248 EI Enable interrupts.
This entry point is used by the routine at 41386.
StartGame_1 33249 XOR A Write 0 to 24158.
33250 LD (24158),A
33253 LD IX,24696 IX=24696.
This entry point is used by the routines at 33289 and 33368.
StartGame_2 33257 LD A,(23672) C=FRAMES.
33260 LD C,A
33261 LD A,(24147)
33264 CP C
33265 CALL NZ,33289
33268 LD HL,33369 HL=33369.
33271 PUSH HL Stash HL on the stack.
33272 LD BC,33477 BC=JumpTable.
33275 LD L,(IX+0)
This entry point is used by the routine at 46799.
StartGame_3 33278 LD H,0
33280 ADD HL,HL
33281 ADD HL,BC
33282 LD A,(HL)
33283 INC HL
33284 LD H,(HL)
33285 LD L,A
33286 JP IndirectJump Jump to IndirectJump.
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