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28921: Add Points To Score
Used by the routines at 25562, 25752, 25887, 27244, 27375, 27893 and MeteorUpdate.
AddPointsToScore 28921 LD A,(24017) Evaluate Flag_ActivePlayer
28924 AND A
28925 JR NZ,AddPointsToScore_0 Jump to AddPointsToScore_0 if 2UP is active player
28927 LD HL,23798 HL=23798.
28930 JR AddPointsToScore_1 Jump forward to AddPointsToScore_1
AddPointsToScore_0 28932 LD HL,23801 HL=23801.
AddPointsToScore_1 28935 LD A,(HL) A=HL
28936 ADD A,C
28937 DAA
28938 LD (HL),A
28939 DEC HL
28940 LD A,(HL)
28941 ADC A,B
28942 DAA
28943 LD (HL),A
28944 DEC HL
28945 LD A,(HL)
28946 ADC A,0
28948 DAA
28949 LD (HL),A Writes A to the memory location currently in HL
28950 LD A,(24017) Evaluate Flag_ActivePlayer
28953 AND A
28954 JR NZ,Score_2UP Jump to Score_2UP if 2UP is active player
View the equivalent code in;
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