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28836: Display Lives
Used by the routines at LevelNew, PlayerInitialisation and 26375.
Controller for 1UP lives.
DisplayPlayerLives 28836 LD HL,64 Call ScreenAddress with 0064 (screen buffer address) for 1UP lives.
28839 CALL ScreenAddress
28842 CALL ControllerActiveLives A=1UP lives remaining (by calling ControllerActiveLives).
28845 AND A If 1UP lives are zero, jump to Handler1UPNoLives.
28846 JR Z,Handler1UPNoLives
28848 CALL HandlerDisplayLives Else, there are lives to display so call HandlerDisplayLives.
Controller for 2UP lives.
Controller2UPLives 28851 LD HL,176 Call ScreenAddress with 0176 (screen buffer address) for 2UP lives.
28854 CALL ScreenAddress
28857 CALL ControllerInactiveLives A=2UP lives remaining (by calling ControllerInactiveLives).
28860 AND A If 2UP lives are zero, jump to Handler2UPNoLives.
28861 JR Z,Handler2UPNoLives
Handles displaying the lives count and UDG character.
HandlerDisplayLives 28863 ADD A,48 Add 48 to convert to an ASCII character (starting at "0" character).
28865 CALL PrintScreen Call PrintScreen.
28868 LD DE,28891 DE=UDG_Life.
28871 PUSH BC Stash BC and DE on the stack.
28872 PUSH DE
28873 JP PrintScreen_0 Jump to PrintScreen_0.
1UP has no lives.
Handler1UPNoLives 28876 CALL Handler2UPNoLives Call Handler2UPNoLives.
28879 JR Controller2UPLives Jump to Controller2UPLives.
2UP has no lives.
Handler2UPNoLives 28881 LD A,32 A=ASCII " " (SPACE).
28883 CALL PrintScreen Call PrintScreen.
28886 LD A,32 A=ASCII " " (SPACE).
28888 JP PrintScreen Jump to PrintScreen.
The UDG for the lives icon.
UDG_Life 28891 DEFB %00011000
28892 DEFB %00100100
28893 DEFB %00111100
28894 DEFB %01111110
28895 DEFB %01011010
28896 DEFB %00111100
28897 DEFB %00111100
28898 DEFB %01100110
Controller for the currently active player.
ControllerActiveLives 28899 LD A,(24017) If Flag_ActivePlayer is not zero then jump to InactivePlayerLives.
28902 AND A
28903 JR NZ,InactivePlayerLives
Return currently active players lives left.
ActivePlayerLives 28905 LD A,(24049) A=ActivePlayer_Lives.
28908 RET Return.
Return inactive players lives left.
InactivePlayerLives 28909 LD A,(24057) A=InactivePlayer_Lives.
28912 RET Return.
Controller for the inactive player.
ControllerInactiveLives 28913 LD A,(24017) If Flag_ActivePlayer is zero then jump to InactivePlayerLives.
28916 AND A
28917 JR Z,InactivePlayerLives
28919 JR ActivePlayerLives Jump to ActivePlayerLives.
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