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41751: Handler: Reset Laser Beam Slots
Used by the routines at 41386, LevelNew and 46382.
See 40390 for the handler which actions "searching" for a free slot.
Handler_ResetLaserBeamSlots 41751 LD HL,24576 HL=Laser_Param_1.
41754 LD DE,24 DE=0024.
41757 LD B,4 B=4 (counter).
ResetLaserBeamSlots_Loop 41759 LD (HL),0 Write 0 to HL.
41762 DJNZ ResetLaserBeamSlots_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to ResetLaserBeamSlots_Loop until counter is zero.
41764 RET Return.
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