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5F80: Initialise New Level
Used by the routines at Message_SprayBugs and 66D7.
LevelNew 5F80 LD HL,$5E38 Increment CurrentPlayer_Lives by one (for display purposes).
5F83 INC (HL)
5F84 CALL LevelNew_0 Call LevelNew_0.
5F87 CALL ResetFlowerLeaf Call ResetFlowerLeaf.
5F8A CALL PlayerInit Call PlayerInit.
Initialise the level.
LevelInit 5F8D CALL CreateWindow Call CreateWindow.
5F90 CALL DrawPlayArea Call DrawPlayArea.
5F93 CALL $5FB0 Call 5FB0.
5F96 CALL DisplayPlayerLives Call DisplayPlayerLives.
5F99 LD A,($5C78) Write FRAMES to LastFrame.
5F9C LD ($5E1F),A
5F9F RET Return.
This entry point is used by the routine at ResetPlayerData.
LevelNew_0 5FA0 LD HL,$5F2E Copy 0A bytes of data from 5F2E to 5E23.
5FA3 LD DE,$5E23
5FA6 LD BC,$000A
5FAB XOR A Reset 5E3C.
5FAC LD ($5E3C),A
5FAF RET Return.
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