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5F53: Create Game Window
Blank the screen and write the banner.
CreateWindow 5F53 XOR A Set the border to black.
5F54 OUT ($FE),A
5F56 CALL ResetAttributes Call ResetAttributes.
5F59 CALL ResetScreen Call ResetScreen.
5F5C CALL PrintBanner Call PrintBanner.
Set the attributes for the 1UP lives graphic.
5F5F LD HL,$5808 HL=5808 (attribute buffer).
5F62 LD A,$47 A=47.
5F64 LD (HL),A Write A to HL.
5F65 INC HL Increment HL by one.
5F66 LD (HL),A Write A to HL.
Set the attributes for the 2UP lives graphic.
5F67 LD HL,$5816 HL=5816 (attribute buffer).
5F6A LD (HL),A Write A to HL.
5F6B INC HL Increment HL by one.
5F6C LD (HL),A Write A to HL.
Set the attributes for the score line (the whole line is INK:46).
5F6D LD HL,$5820 HL=5820 (attribute buffer).
5F70 LD BC,$2046 BC=counter:20 INK:46.
CreateWindow_Loop 5F73 LD (HL),C Write 46 to the attribute buffer.
5F74 INC L Move onto the next column.
5F75 DJNZ CreateWindow_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to CreateWindow_Loop until counter is zero.
5F77 CALL Score_1UP Call Score_1UP.
5F7A CALL Score_2UP Call Score_2UP.
5F7D JP Score_HI Jump to Score_HI.
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