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737A: Add Points To Score
Used by the routines at 64FA, 6A98 and 7249.
BC Points to add to score
Check the active player.
AddPointsToScore 737A LD A,($5E1E) If Current_Player is not zero, jump to AddPointsToScore_2UP.
737D AND A
737E JR NZ,AddPointsToScore_2UP
Set the score address for 1UP.
7380 LD HL,$5E07 HL=1UP_Score_3.
7383 JR AddPointsToScore_Start Jump to AddPointsToScore_Start.
Set the score address for 2UP.
AddPointsToScore_2UP 7385 LD HL,$5E0A HL=2UP_Score_3.
Process adding the points to the appropriate score.
AddPointsToScore_Start 7388 LD A,(HL) A=score byte #3.
7389 ADD A,C Add C to score byte #3 with BCD conversion.
738A DAA
738B LD (HL),A Update score byte #3.
738C DEC HL Move onto the next score byte.
738D LD A,(HL) A=score byte #2.
738E ADC A,B Add (with carry) B to score byte #2 with BCD conversion.
738F DAA
7390 LD (HL),A Update score byte #2.
7391 DEC HL Move onto the next score byte.
7392 LD A,(HL) A=score byte #1.
7393 ADC A,$00 Add 00 (i.e. just the carry flag) to score byte #1 with BCD conversion.
7395 DAA
7396 LD (HL),A Update score byte #1.
Check the active player.
7397 LD A,($5E1E) If 5F21 is not zero, jump to Score_2UP.
739A AND A
739B JR NZ,Score_2UP
View the equivalent code in;
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