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739D: Print Scores
Used by the routine at CreateWindow.
Sets up the 1UP score.
Score_1UP 739D LD HL,$4021 HL=4021 (screen buffer address).
73A0 LD DE,$5E05 DE=1UP_Score_1.
73A3 JR PrintScore Jump to PrintScore.
Sets up the 2UP score.
Score_2UP 73A5 LD HL,$4039 HL=4039 (screen buffer address).
73A8 LD DE,$5E08 DE=2UP_Score_1.
73AB JR PrintScore Jump to PrintScore.
Sets up the HI score.
Score_HI 73AD LD HL,$402D HL=402D (screen buffer address).
73B0 LD DE,$5E00 DE=High_Score.
Prints the score.
PrintScore 73B3 LD B,$03 B=03.
PrintScore_Loop 73B5 LD A,(DE) A=DE.
73B6 RRCA A=A / 10.
73BA AND %00001111 Keep only bits 0-3.
73BC ADD A,$30 A=A + 30 (convert to ASCII).
73BE CALL PrintScreen Call PrintScreen.
73C1 LD A,(DE) A=DE.
73C2 AND %00001111 Keep only bits 0-3.
73C4 ADD A,$30 A=A + 30 (convert to ASCII).
73C6 CALL PrintScreen Call PrintScreen.
73C9 INC DE Increment DE by one.
73CA DJNZ PrintScore_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to PrintScore_Loop until counter is zero.
73CC RET Return.
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