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26382: Colourise Open Flower
Used by the routine at 26278.
ColouriseFlower 26382 LD A,(IX+1)
26385 SUB 32
26387 LD L,A
26388 LD A,(IX+2)
26391 SUB 48
26393 LD H,A
26394 CALL AttributeAddress
26397 LD DE,26440 DE=FlowerAttributes.
26400 LD BC,2311 BC=2311.
ColouriseFlower_0 26403 PUSH BC
26404 PUSH HL
ColouriseFlower_1 26405 LD A,(24119)
26408 AND A
26409 JR Z,ColouriseFlower_3
26411 AND %00000011 Keep only bits 0-1.
26413 JR NZ,ColouriseFlower_3
26415 LD A,(DE)
ColouriseFlower_2 26416 LD (HL),A
26417 INC HL
26418 INC DE
26419 DJNZ ColouriseFlower_1
26421 POP HL
26422 LD BC,32
26425 ADD HL,BC
26426 POP BC
26427 DEC C
26428 JR NZ,ColouriseFlower_0
26430 RET Return.
ColouriseFlower_3 26431 LD A,(DE)
26432 CP 94
26434 JR NZ,ColouriseFlower_2
26436 LD A,91
26438 JR ColouriseFlower_2
FlowerAttributes 26440 DEFB 68,68,68,68,68,68,68,68,68
26449 DEFB 68,99,99,94,94,94,99,99,68
26458 DEFB 68,99,99,94,94,94,99,99,68
26467 DEFB 68,99,94,94,94,94,94,99,68
26476 DEFB 68,99,99,99,94,94,99,99,68
26485 DEFB 68,68,68,68,68,68,68,68,68
26494 DEFB 68,68,68,68,68,68,68,68,68
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