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45524: Routine at B1D4
Used by the routine at GameInitialisation.
Initialise player 2.
45524 CALL 45598 Call 45598.
45527 CALL ChangePlayer Call ChangePlayer.
Initialise player 1.
45530 CALL 45598 Call 45598.
Always start on player 1.
45533 XOR A Write 0 to Flag_ActivePlayer.
45534 LD (38558),A
45537 CALL ClearPlayArea_Attributes Call ClearPlayArea_Attributes.
45540 CALL ClearPlayArea Call ClearPlayArea.
45543 LD A,(38546) A=GameOptions.
45546 AND %00000001 Keep only bit 0.
45548 JR NZ,45553 Jump to 45553 if this is a two player game.
45550 LD (38624),A Write A to InactivePlayer_Lives.
This entry point is used by the routine at 45573.
45553 CALL 45495 Call 45495.
45556 LD IX,38658 IX=ImmortalData.
45560 CALL VisitRoom Call VisitRoom.
45563 CALL 42851 Call 42851.
45566 CALL 41787 Call 41787.
45569 CALL 48093 Call 48093.
45572 RET Return.
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