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Routines |
Prev: 46540 | Up: Map | Next: 46789 |
Used by the routine at GameOver_1UP.
NewHighScore | 46588 | LD HL,38552 | HL=1UP_Score_1. | |||||||||||||
46591 | LD DE,38555 | DE=2UP_Score_1. | ||||||||||||||
46594 | CALL NewHighScore_Compare | Call NewHighScore_Compare. | ||||||||||||||
46597 | LD A,0 | Write 0 to 38586. | ||||||||||||||
46599 | LD (38586),A | |||||||||||||||
46602 | JR Z,NewHighScore_Process | If there's either any carry or the zero flag is set then jump to NewHighScore_Process. | ||||||||||||||
46604 | JR C,NewHighScore_Process | |||||||||||||||
46606 | CPL | Flip the bits. | ||||||||||||||
46607 | EX DE,HL | Switch the registers containing the 1UP and 2UP score. | ||||||||||||||
NewHighScore_Process | 46608 | LD (38558),A | Write A to Flag_ActivePlayer. | |||||||||||||
46611 | CALL NewHighScore_0 | Call NewHighScore_0. | ||||||||||||||
46614 | EX DE,HL | Switch back the registers containing the 1UP and 2UP score. | ||||||||||||||
46615 | LD A,(38558) | A=Flag_ActivePlayer. | ||||||||||||||
46618 | CPL | Flip the bits. | ||||||||||||||
46619 | LD (38558),A | Write A to Flag_ActivePlayer. | ||||||||||||||
NewHighScore_0 | 46622 | PUSH DE | Stash DE and HL on the stack. | |||||||||||||
46623 | PUSH HL | |||||||||||||||
We hold six high scores.
46624 | LD B,6 | B=6. | ||||||||||||||
46626 | LD DE,45858 | DE=Pos_6_HighScore_1. | ||||||||||||||
NewHighScore_1 | 46629 | CALL NewHighScore_Compare | Call NewHighScore_Compare. | |||||||||||||
46632 | JR NC,NewHighScore_2 | |||||||||||||||
46634 | CALL NewHighScore_Next | Call NewHighScore_Next. | ||||||||||||||
46637 | DJNZ NewHighScore_1 | |||||||||||||||
NewHighScore_2 | 46639 | LD A,B | ||||||||||||||
46640 | CP 6 | |||||||||||||||
46642 | JR Z,NewHighScore_5 | |||||||||||||||
46644 | LD HL,45858 | HL=Pos_6_HighScore_1. | ||||||||||||||
46647 | LD DE,45864 | DE=New_HighScore_1. | ||||||||||||||
46650 | LD A,B | A=B. | ||||||||||||||
46651 | NEG | |||||||||||||||
46653 | ADD A,6 | A=A+6. | ||||||||||||||
46655 | LD (38587),A | Store the result at HighScorePosition. | ||||||||||||||
NewHighScore_3 | 46658 | LD BC,6 | BC=0006. | |||||||||||||
46661 | PUSH HL | Stash HL on the stack. | ||||||||||||||
46662 | LDIR | |||||||||||||||
46664 | POP DE | Restore DE from the stack. | ||||||||||||||
46665 | LD L,E | HL=DE. | ||||||||||||||
46666 | LD H,D | |||||||||||||||
46667 | CALL NewHighScore_Next | Call NewHighScore_Next. | ||||||||||||||
46670 | EX DE,HL | |||||||||||||||
46671 | DEC A | Decrease A by one. | ||||||||||||||
46672 | JR NZ,NewHighScore_3 | |||||||||||||||
46674 | POP HL | |||||||||||||||
46675 | PUSH HL | |||||||||||||||
46676 | LD BC,3 | BC=0003. | ||||||||||||||
46679 | LDIR | |||||||||||||||
46681 | PUSH DE | |||||||||||||||
46682 | CALL Score_HI | Call Score_HI. | ||||||||||||||
46685 | LD A,(38586) | If 38586 is not zero, jump to NewHighScore_4. | ||||||||||||||
46688 | AND A | |||||||||||||||
46689 | JR NZ,NewHighScore_4 | |||||||||||||||
46691 | INC A | Increment A by one. | ||||||||||||||
46692 | LD (38586),A | Write A to 38586. | ||||||||||||||
46695 | LD HL,25030 | HL=Room_Special_MainMenu. | ||||||||||||||
46698 | CALL DrawRoom | Call DrawRoom. | ||||||||||||||
NewHighScore_4 | 46701 | CALL HallOfFame_Clear | Call HallOfFame_Clear. | |||||||||||||
Updates the text for the appropriate player number.
46704 | LD A,(38558) | A=Flag_ActivePlayer. | ||||||||||||||
46707 | AND A | Is this 1UP or 2UP? | ||||||||||||||
46708 | LD A,177 | A=177 (ASCII "1"+128). | ||||||||||||||
46710 | JR Z,NewHighScore_Update_Player | Jump to NewHighScore_Update_Player if the current player is 1UP. | ||||||||||||||
46712 | INC A | Else, A=178 (ASCII "2"+128). | ||||||||||||||
Overwrite the copy:
NewHighScore_Update_Player | 46713 | LD (46979),A | Write A to 46979. | |||||||||||||
Work out which of the HighScore_Suffixes to use.
46716 | LD A,(38587) | B=HighScorePosition. | ||||||||||||||
46719 | LD B,A | |||||||||||||||
46720 | LD A,253 | A=253 (as 253+3=0 - so the offset is then pointing at the base address). | ||||||||||||||
NewHighScore_Suffix_Loop | 46722 | ADD A,3 | A=A+3. | |||||||||||||
46724 | DJNZ NewHighScore_Suffix_Loop | Decrease the position counter by one and loop back to NewHighScore_Suffix_Loop until the counter is zero. | ||||||||||||||
Fetch the appropriate position suffix.
46726 | LD C,A | Create an offset in BC. | ||||||||||||||
46727 | LD B,0 | |||||||||||||||
46729 | LD HL,46789 | HL=HighScore_Suffixes + offset. | ||||||||||||||
46732 | ADD HL,BC | |||||||||||||||
46733 | LD DE,47004 | DE=47004. | ||||||||||||||
46736 | LD BC,3 | BC=3 (counter). | ||||||||||||||
Overwrite the copy:
46739 | LDIR | Copy 3 bytes of data from HL to 47004. | ||||||||||||||
Print the messaging to the screen.
46741 | LD DE,46933 | DE=NewHighScore_Attributes. | ||||||||||||||
46744 | EXX | Switch to the shadow registers. | ||||||||||||||
46745 | LD HL,46941 | HL'=NewHighScore_Position. | ||||||||||||||
46748 | LD DE,46957 | DE'=NewHighScore_Text. | ||||||||||||||
There are eight lines of text.
46751 | LD B,8 | B=8. | ||||||||||||||
46753 | CALL GameMenu_Loop | Call GameMenu_Loop. | ||||||||||||||
46756 | POP DE | Restore DE from the stack. | ||||||||||||||
46757 | CALL 46807 | Call 46807. | ||||||||||||||
NewHighScore_5 | 46760 | POP HL | Restore HL and DE from the stack. | |||||||||||||
46761 | POP DE | |||||||||||||||
46762 | RET | Return. | ||||||||||||||
Moves the High Score pointer to the next entry (we move from 6th to 1st).
NewHighScore_Next | 46763 | DEC DE | Decrease DE by six. | |||||||||||||
46764 | DEC DE | |||||||||||||||
46765 | DEC DE | |||||||||||||||
46766 | DEC DE | |||||||||||||||
46767 | DEC DE | |||||||||||||||
46768 | DEC DE | |||||||||||||||
46769 | RET | Return. | ||||||||||||||
Compares the scores pointed to by DE and HL.
NewHighScore_Compare | 46770 | PUSH BC | Stash BC, DE and HL on the stack. | |||||||||||||
46771 | PUSH DE | |||||||||||||||
46772 | PUSH HL | |||||||||||||||
Scores are held in three bytes.
46773 | LD B,3 | B=3 (counter). | ||||||||||||||
NewHighScore_Compare_Loop | 46775 | LD A,(DE) | A=the score digit held at DE. | |||||||||||||
46776 | CP (HL) | Compare this against the score digit held at HL. | ||||||||||||||
46777 | JR C,NewHighScore_Compare_Return | If there's any carry over then jump to NewHighScore_Compare_Return to return. | ||||||||||||||
46779 | JR NZ,NewHighScore_Compare_Return | If the result is non-zero then jump to NewHighScore_Compare_Return to return. | ||||||||||||||
46781 | INC HL | Increment both HL and DE by one. | ||||||||||||||
46782 | INC DE | |||||||||||||||
46783 | DJNZ NewHighScore_Compare_Loop | Decrease the score digit counter by one and loop back to NewHighScore_Compare_Loop until the counter is zero. | ||||||||||||||
NewHighScore_Compare_Return | 46785 | POP HL | Restore HL, DE and BC from the stack. | |||||||||||||
46786 | POP DE | |||||||||||||||
46787 | POP BC | |||||||||||||||
46788 | RET | Return. |
Prev: 46540 | Up: Map | Next: 46789 |