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48031: Clear Buffers
Used by the routine at GameInitialisation.
Writes 0 to every address from GameOptions to SecurityCheck.
ClearBuffers 48031 LD HL,38546 HL=GameOptions (starting address).
48034 LD BC,712 BC=712 (counter).
This entry point is used by the routine at GameInitialisation.
ClearBuffers_Loop 48037 LD (HL),0 Writes 0 to the address held by HL.
48039 INC HL Increment HL by one.
48040 DEC BC Decrease the counter held in BC by one.
48041 LD A,B Keep looping back to ClearBuffers_Loop until the counter in BC is zero.
48042 OR C
48043 JR NZ,ClearBuffers_Loop
48045 RET Return.
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