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6A39: Draw Player
Used by the routine at 6A9B.
DrawPlayer 6A39 LD HL,($5E10) HL=Player_Direction.
6A3C LD BC,$0020 BC=0020.
6A40 LD A,H
6A41 AND %00000011 Keep only bits 0-1.
6A43 RL L
6A45 RLA
6A46 RL L
6A48 RLA
6A49 SLA A
6A4B LD HL,$7F24 HL=PlayerSpriteTable.
6A4E LD C,A Create an offset in BC.
6A4F LD B,$00
6A51 ADD HL,BC HL=PlayerSpriteTable + offset.
6A52 LD E,(HL) DE=pointer to the player sprite for this direction.
6A54 LD D,(HL)
The player is drawn statically in the centre of the play area.
6A55 LD HL,$4F93 HL=4F93 (screen location).
The player sprite is 02 bytes in width.
6A58 LD A,$02 Write 02 to WidthCounter.
6A5A LD ($5E2C),A
6A5D LD A,(DE) A=height of the sprite in pixels.
6A5E INC DE Increment DE by one to point to the sprite data.
6A5F LD C,A C=A (height of the sprite).
DrawPlayer_NextRow 6A60 LD A,($5E2C) B=WidthCounter.
6A63 LD B,A
6A64 PUSH HL Push HL on the stack.
DrawPlayer_NextCol 6A65 LD A,(DE) Copy a byte from DE (the player sprite data) to HL (the screen position).
6A66 LD (HL),A
6A67 INC DE Increment DE (the player sprite data pointer) by one.
6A68 INC L Increment L by one, this moves onto the next adjacent screen byte.
6A69 DJNZ DrawPlayer_NextCol Decrease counter by one and loop back to DrawPlayer_NextCol until counter is zero.
6A6B POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
6A6C CALL ScreenPos1PixelAbove Call ScreenPos1PixelAbove.
6A6F DEC C Decrease C (height) by one and jump to DrawPlayer_NextRow if it is not zero.
6A70 JR NZ,DrawPlayer_NextRow
6A72 RET Return.
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