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6D12: Routine at 6D12
Used by the routine at 6A9B.
6D12 LD C,$00 C=00.
6D14 LD A,($5E0D) A=Speed.
6D17 RLA
6D18 RL C
6D1D LD HL,$5E30 HL=Unknown.
6D20 ADD A,(HL)
6D21 LD (HL),A
6D22 LD A,C
Working backwards, add onto the odometer.
6D23 LD B,$03 B=03 (counter - miles are stored in three bytes).
CalcMiles 6D25 DEC HL Decrease the pointer to the miles counter held by HL by one.
6D26 ADC A,(HL) Adds A to the miles byte held at HL.
6D27 DAA
6D28 LD (HL),A Write A to HL.
6D29 LD A,$00 Reset A to 00 while maintaining the carry flag.
6D2B DJNZ CalcMiles Decrease counter by one and loop back to CalcMiles until counter is zero.
6D2D LD A,($5E74) L=5E74.
6D30 LD L,A
6D31 LD A,($5E2E) A=5E2E.
6D34 CP L
6D35 JR Z,$6D40
6D37 LD ($5E74),A
6D3A LD BC,$0010 BC=0010.
6D3D CALL AddPointsToScore Call AddPointsToScore.
6D40 LD HL,($5E05) HL=PlayerMapPosition.
Check fuel.
6D43 LD A,($5E0B) If Fuel level is not zero then jump to 6D56.
6D46 AND A
6D47 JR NZ,$6D56
Handle being out of fuel.
6D49 LD A,($5E0D) A=Speed.
6D4C CP $33
6D4E JR C,$6D5D
6D50 DEC A
6D51 LD ($5E0D),A
6D54 JR $6D64 Jump to 6D64.
Check temperature.
6D56 LD A,($5E0C) A=Temperature.
6D59 CP $A0
6D5B JR NC,$6D49
6D5D CALL ReadInputAccelerate Call ReadInputAccelerate.
6D60 BIT 3,A
6D62 JR Z,HandlerCanAccelerate
6D64 CALL ReadInputBrake Call ReadInputBrake.
6D67 BIT 2,A
6D69 JR NZ,HandlerAccelerate_0
6D6B LD A,($5E0D) A=Speed.
6D6E SUB $10
6D70 JR NC,HandlerAccelerate
6D72 XOR A A=00.
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