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26905: Display Night Driver Text
Used by the routine at CreateWindow.
DisplayNightDriver 26905 LD A,(24131) Return if Flag_DayNight is zero (i.e. it is "day").
26908 AND A
26909 RET Z
Else it is night so handle the interlude to display "Night Driver".
26910 LD HL,16496 HL=16496 (screen location).
26913 LD DE,26940 DE=NightDriver_Text.
26916 CALL PrintStringColour Call PrintStringColour.
Display the text for a short time.
26919 LD B,4 B=4 (delay length).
26921 CALL Delay Call Delay.
Remove the messaging.
26924 LD HL,16496 HL=16496 (screen location).
26927 PUSH HL Stash HL on the stack.
26928 CALL ScreenAddress Call ScreenAddress.
26931 LD A,0 A=0.
26933 EX AF,AF' Switch to the shadow AF register.
26934 LD DE,27365 DE=Blank_Text.
26937 JP PrintStringColour_0 Jump to PrintStringColour_0.
Messging data.
NightDriver_Text 26940 DEFM 71 "NIGHT DRIVER" (71 is the attribute).
26941 DEFM "NIGHT DRIVE","R"+128
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