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757E: Game Over
Used by the routine at InitialiseNewGame.
GameOver 757E CALL $7420 Call 7420.
7581 LD HL,($7848) HL=*7848.
7584 LD DE,($7846) DE=*7846.
7588 AND A Set flags.
7589 SBC HL,DE HL-=DE (with carry).
758B JR NC,Print_GameOver Jump to Print_GameOver if {} is higher.
758D EX DE,HL Exchange the DE and HL registers.
758E LD ($7848),HL Write HL to *7848.
7591 EXX Switch to the shadow registers.
7592 LD DE,$51DB DE'=51DB (screen buffer location).
7595 EXX Switch back to the normal registers.
7596 CALL $7434 Call 7434.
Print the "GAME OVER-PRESS KEY TO TRY AGAIN" messaging in the footer.
Print_GameOver 7599 LD A,$84 A=84 (INK: GREEN, PAPER: BLACK FLASH: ON).
759B LD HL,$BA46 HL=Messaging_GameOver.
759E CALL PrintFooterColourString Call PrintFooterColourString.
GameOver_Input 75A1 CALL KeyboardInput Call KeyboardInput.
75A4 AND A Jump to GameOver_Input until any key is pressed.
75A5 JR Z,GameOver_Input
75A7 JP StartScreen Jump to StartScreen.
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