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E30B: Player Controls Kempston
Used by the routine at InitialiseGame.
PlayerControls_Kempston E30B LD IX,$F231 IX=TablePlayerAttributes.
E30F LD A,($5BF0) Jump to Check_PlayerControls_Kempston if *GameState is not set to "Demo Mode" (03).
E312 CP $03
E314 JR NZ,Check_PlayerControls_Kempston
E316 IN A,($1F) Read from the Kempston joystick port.
E318 AND %00011111 Keep only bits 0-4.
E31A JP NZ,$ED8F Jump to ED8F if the result is not zero.
E31D RET Return.
The control is stored at *KempstonControl but does not appear to be referenced again outside of this routine.
Check_PlayerControls_Kempston E31E IN A,($1F) Read from the Kempston joystick port.
E320 LD ($F342),A Write A to *KempstonControl.
Check for "fire".
E323 AND %00010000 Keep only bit 4.
E325 JP NZ,Handler_Doors Jump to Handler_Doors if the result is not zero.
Check for "right".
E328 LD A,($F342) A=*KempstonControl.
E32B AND %00000001 Keep only bit 0.
E32D JP NZ,PlayerMoveRight Jump to PlayerMoveRight if the result is not zero.
Check for "left".
E330 LD A,($F342) A=*KempstonControl.
E333 AND %00000010 Keep only bit 1.
E335 JP NZ,PlayerMoveLeft Jump to PlayerMoveLeft if the result is not zero.
Check for "down".
E338 LD A,($F342) A=*KempstonControl.
E33B AND %00000100 Keep only bit 2.
E33D JP NZ,Handler_LaddersDescending Jump to Handler_LaddersDescending if the result is not zero.
Check for "up".
E340 LD A,($F342) A=*KempstonControl.
E343 AND %00001000 Keep only bit 3.
E345 JP NZ,Handler_LaddersAscending Jump to Handler_LaddersAscending if the result is not zero.
No controls were pressed, just return.
E348 RET Return.
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