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36147: Action Pickup
Used by the routine at ActionTie.
Action_Pickup 36147 CALL 40056
36150 LD HL,44561 HL="You are already carrying[0x07][0x15]"
36153 JP C,PrintMsg
This entry point is used by the routine at Action_Putdown.
Action_Pickup_0 36156 CALL Action_Putdown_1
36159 LD A,(46826)
Action_Pickup_1 36162 CALL LocateObject
36165 LD A,(46824)
36168 CP (IX+1)
36171 JP Z,40822
36174 LD A,(IX+1)
36177 CP 255
36179 JR NZ,Action_Pickup_1
36181 LD IX,(46856)
36185 CALL 40260
36188 LD A,(IX+1)
36191 CP 18
36193 LD A,(46826)
36196 JR Z,Action_Pickup_2
36198 LD (IX+1),A
36201 RET
Action_Pickup_2 36202 LD (50023),A
36205 RET
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