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40056: Routine at 9C78
40056 LD A,(46824)
This entry point is used by the routines at Action_Shoot, Action_Examine and 38579.
40059 LD HL,46826
This entry point is used by the routine at Action_Putdown.
40062 CP 255
40064 SCF
40065 RET Z
40066 PUSH IX
40068 CALL 40074
40071 POP IX
40073 RET
40074 CALL LocateObject
40077 PUSH AF
40078 LD A,(IX+1)
40081 CP 255
40083 JR Z,40092
40085 POP IX
40087 CP (HL)
40088 JR NZ,40074
40090 SCF
40091 RET
40092 POP AF
40093 AND A
40094 RET
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